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How can I get Refund?
- Ask for refund when you have not received the order within the delivery date which is seller indicate in product detail.
- You will basically get refund as reward points which you can use to pay the same amount for your next order.
- In case you used the bank transfer payment method : If you want to refund money to Thailand Bank Account, please send "Refund to Bank Request" to us. Then you will get the whole amount back to your bank account. But if you want to receive money back to different Bank Company that Qoocart received, 10THB fee + actual transfer fees will be deducted.
- In case you used Credit card or Paypal payment method : If you want to refund money to Thailand Bank Account, please send "Refund to Bank Request" to us. Please note that credit card fee or Paypal fee will be deducted from the refund amount. For example, you pay 100THB via paypal (Qoocart only receive 85THB, another 15THB is fee) You will only get 85THB back to your bank account. (SCB, KBANK, BBL only)
** This condition must be accepted before place the order **