Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

All customers must accept the terms and conditions of using Shopping Services at QooCart before place any order.

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions of Use of Shopping Services of QooCart (the “QooCart”) is to set forth the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties using the ecommerce-related services and other services (collectively “Services”) provided by T Trade Consulting & Services Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) through the “QooCart” internet open market site (www.QooCart.com) (“QooCart”) operated by the Company, and to promote mutual development through exercising and performing their rights and obligations pursuant to the QooCart.

Article (Disclosure, Validity and Amendment of the QOOCART)

1. The Company will disclose the QooCart on the initial landing page or connecting page of QooCart to help Members to check the QOOCART, together with the name, place of business, the name of representative(s), business registration number and contact numbers (telephone and facsimile numbers, email address, etc.) of the Company.
2. The Company may amend the QOOCART to the extent permitted by the Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act, the Framework Act on e-Commerce, the Digital Signature Act, the Act concerning Promotion of Utilization of Information and Communications Networks and Protection of Information, etc., the Protection of Consumers in e-commerce and Other Transactions Act (“e-Commerce Act”), and the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, and any other applicable laws.
3. If any terms of the QOOCART are amended by the Company, all amended terms shall be effective 14 days after they are initially posted on the initial landing page of QooCart, together with the then current QOOCART, the effective date of and the reasons for the amendment, all of which will be posted for a 14-day period until the date immediately preceding the effective date.

Article (Definitions)

1. Capitalized terms used herein shall have the following meaning:
1) “Member” means a natural or juridical person that has provided personal information to registered with QooCart as a member, as classified as follows:
i) General Member (Buyer): an individual of 14 full years old or older, or a company, each entitled to use shopping services provided by the Company
ii) Selling Member (Seller): an individual of 14 full years old or older, or a company, each entitled to use shopping services and selling services provided by the Company
2) “Member ID” means a combination of letters and numbers chosen by a Member, approved by and registered with the Company, for purposes of identification and use of the Services.
3) “Password” means a combination of letters and numbers chosen and registered with the Company by a Member, to verify the Member’s identity and protect the Member’s rights, interests and confidential information.
4) “Operator” means the person appointed by the Company to be responsible for overall management and smooth operation of the Services provided by the Company.
5) “Escrow Service” means the service of placing the purchase price for the product in escrow for certain period of time to protect the purchaser’s payment.
6) “Safe Trade Center” means an organization to mediate any and all issues and problems that may arise in relation to the safety of transactions while using the Services of the Company.
7) “Dispute Mediation Center” means an organization formed and operated by the Company for the reasonable and smooth mediation of disputes in exceptional cases only, whereas, as a general rule, any dispute arising from a transaction through the Company should be resolved by the Seller and the Buyer themselves.
8) “Business Partner Points” means various reward points provided by a third party that is a business partner of the Company.
9) “Item Discount” means a discount for an item that a Seller sells through the Services of the Company after agreeing with the Company on a discounted price that is within the service fees. The Company will list the discounted price of applicable items on the relevant webpage serviced by the Company.

Article (Types of the Services)

1. The Company will provide the following Services:
1) Services relating to the development and operation of an e-commerce platform:
i) Sales-related support;
ii) Purchase-related support;
iii) Contract execution related services;
iv) Product information search services; and
v) Other e-commerce related services; and
2) Services for the execution of advertisement and promotion
2. The purposes of the above Services provided by the Company are to allow Members’ use of cybermalls, and to intermediate mail-order sales, in relation to their transactions of goods and services. The Company shall not take any responsibility in relation to any product registered with QooCart by any Selling Member (Seller).

Article (No Agency)

As a mail-order intermediary, the Company will be only responsible for the operation and management of a system for the efficiency of the Services and will not act as an agent of either the Seller or the Buyer. The Members concerned shall take the sole direct responsibility for any transaction(s) entered into between the Members and information provided and registered by the Members.

Article (No Guarantee)

In relation to the transactions between Sellers and Buyers through the system provided by the Company, the Company will not guarantee the existence and genuineness of the intent to sell or buy, the quality, completeness, safety, and legality of the registered items, non-infringement of third party rights, or the truthfulness or legality of the information entered by any Seller or Buyer, or data posted on the URL linked to the information entered by any Seller or Buyer. The Members concerned shall solely take any and all risks and responsibilities relating thereto.

Chapter 2. User Agreement and Data Protection

Article (Formation of a Shopping Service User Agreement)

1. The Shopping Service User Agreement (the “User Agreement”) shall be formed upon the Company’s acceptance of an application for the use of shopping services, from a person who intends to use the shopping services provided by the Company. The Company will notify its intent to accept the application by disclosure of such intent on the relevant webpage for the Services or by email or otherwise.
2. A person who intends to use the shopping services shall agree to the QOOCART and enter necessary information including but not limited to information for identification, in the form application for membership as provided by the Company.
1) In the case of a Member who is a natural person, the following information must be entered:
i) Your ID, Password, Password for your G-account, name, resident registration number, email address, contact numbers, and whether or not you consent to the provision of your personal information to third-party business partners and third-party personal information processing service providers
2) In the case of a Member that is a business person, the following information must be entered:
i) Your ID, Password, Password for your G-account, trade name, business registration number, email address, contact numbers, and whether or not you consent to the provision of your personal information to third-party business partners and third-party personal information processing service providers
3. A person of 14 full years old or older or a business operator (whether a natural or juridical person) is eligible to the membership to the Services. An applicant shall apply for the membership in his/her/its real name. If anyone applies for the membership in a name other than his/her/its real name or by misappropriating another’s information, such applicant may be restricted from using the Services or penalized pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.
4. Applications will be handled on the first-come-first-served basis, and admission to the membership will become effective at the time when the acceptance by the Company is received by the Member.
5. The Company may withhold or refuse its acceptance of an application in any of the following cases:
1) if in the Company’s real-name verification process, it is found that the application is not made in real name;
2) if the name and resident (or business) registration number in the application are the same as those of an existing Member;
3) if reapplied within two (2) months from the Company’s termination of the User Agreement;
4) if reapplied by a Member that is subject to the membership suspension or other action by the Company, during the suspension or other applicable period;
5) if the facilities/equipment cannot afford or if there is technical difficulty; and
6) if the application is found to be unlawful, unfair or in violation of the QOOCART, or if it is deemed necessary to do so in the Company’s reasonable judgment.

Article (Change and Protection of Personal Information)

1. A Member may not provide false information when applying for the membership, and in the event of any change in the information provided when applying for the membership, the Member must immediately update the information. As a general rule, a Member’s name, ID and resident registration number and the like may not be changed, unless permitted by applicable laws and regulations.
2. Notification to the Member by the Company shall be considered complete when the notice is delivered to the address or e-mail address provided by the Member. Any damages arising out of the failure to update information must be borne solely by the relevant Member, and the Company shall not be held liable for any such damages.
3. The Company will not use any information provided by the Member for the execution of a User Agreement, for a purpose other than its operation of the Services, nor disclose such information to a third party without the Member’s consent, except where:
1) such use or disclosure is permitted by applicable laws and regulations;
2) such minimum information of the Member as necessary to carry out the delivery of goods/services is disclosed; or
3) consent from the relevant Member has been obtained pursuant to another standard terms and conditions and policies of the Company.
4. To protect Member’s personal information, the Company will establish the privacy policy, designate a privacy officer of the Company and disclose and operate the privacy policy.

Article (Control over ID and Passwords)

1. Each Member shall be responsible for the control over his/her/its ID and Password, and may in no event assign or lend any of them to a third party.
2. Each Member and each user shall take the responsibility for any and all damages and losses arising out of the leak, assignment or lending of a Member’s ID or Password, that occurs due to a cause that is not attributable to the Company.
3. If a Member becomes aware of the theft, or unauthorized use by a third party, of his/her/its ID or Password, the Member shall immediately notify the Company thereof and the Company shall exert its best efforts to handle the situation promptly.

Article (Termination of the User Agreement)

1. Termination by members:
1) A Member may terminate the User Agreement at any time by notifying the Company of the Member’s intent to terminate it through the applicable service webpage; provided that the Member has taken necessary actions to consummate any and all transactions at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the termination notice.
2) A Member shall be solely responsible for any consequences arising out of a termination notice sent within the said period, and upon termination of the User Agreement, the Company may withdraw all benefits additionally granted to the Member by the Company.
3) If a Member who has terminated the User Agreement intends to use the Services later again, the Member’s use of the Services will not be permitted unless the Member notifies the Company of his/her/its new intent to use the Services and the Company accepts the offer.
2. Termination by the Company:
1) The Company may terminate the User Agreement in the event of occurrence or finding of the following:
i) violation of, infringement upon or damage to the rights, reputation, credit or any other interest of any other Member or third party, or breach of Korean laws/regulations or public order and good morals;
ii) obstruction of or any try to impede the proper processing of the Services provided by the Company;
iii) finding that there is a reason for refusal under Section 7.5 hereof; or
iv) circumstances in which the Company finds it necessary, in its reasonable judgment, to refuse the provision of the Services.
2) If the Company terminates the User Agreement with a Member, the Company will notify the Member of its intent of termination by disclosing the reason(s) for termination by e-mail, by phone or otherwise. The User Agreement shall be terminated at the time when the Company notifies the Member of its intent of termination.
3) Even if the Company terminates the User Agreement, these QOOCART shall continue to apply with respect to the consummation of a sale and purchase contract entered into on or before the termination.
4) When the User Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Article, the Company may withdraw all benefits additionally granted to the Member by the Company.
5) If the User Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the Company may refuse to accept the Members’ re-application.

Article (Term and Suspension of Provision of the Services)

1. The term of the provision of the Services will begin from the date on which use of the Services are applied for, and ends on the date of termination of the User Agreement.
2. The Company may suspend its provision of the Services temporarily upon the occurrence of a justifiable event, including without limitation, the maintenance, repair, examination, replacement of information and communications facilities (such as computers), or if such facilities are out of order; provided that the fact and reasons for temporary suspension of the Services shall be notified on the initial landing page of QooCart.
3. The Company may restrict or temporarily suspend its provision of the Services if it is unable to provide the Services due to an act of God or a force majeure event equivalent thereto.

Article (Service Usage Fees)

The Company may provide various services needed for the freedom of e-commerce between the Members and charge certain fees therefor (i.e., service usage fees) pursuant to its internal policies.

Chapter 3. Use of Shopping Services of QooCart

Article (Execution of Contracts and Payment of Purchase Prices)

1. A sale and purchase contract will be executed by a Member offering to purchase a given item on the terms and conditions of sales suggested by a Seller and by the Seller’s acceptance of the Buyer’s offer.
2. The Company will provide methods for payment of the purchase price in cash, by credit card, or by other means.
3. The Buyer will enter information relating to the payment of the purchase price at his/her/its own responsibility, and shall solely take any and all liabilities and disadvantages arising out of the information entered by the Buyer in relation to the payment of the purchase price.
4. The Company may cancel a transaction without the consent of any Member, if the purchase price is not paid within a certain time period after the order is placed.
5. The Company will take measures to allow the Buyer to check the contents of the executed sale and purchase contract on the webpage of “My Shopping Details,” and will provide guidance on how to cancel the contract and the relevant procedures.
6. The Company may check whether the Buyer is lawfully entitled to use the payment means used when paying the purchase price. The Company may suspend the transaction until the completion of confirmation of the buyer’s right to such use, or cancel the transaction if it is impossible to obtain such confirmation.
7. The amount actually paid by the Buyer shall be an amount (actual purchase price) remaining after applying to the original price (set by the Seller), any basic usage fees, discount coupons applicable to the particular item, delivery fees, details of an option (in the case of an option item) and so on.
The proof of purchase (i.e. cash payment receipts, tax invoices, credit card sales slips, etc.) will be issued to show the amount of the actual purchase price.

Article (Delivery)

1. A delivery period shall begin on the date following the date on which receipt or settlement of payment is confirmed and end on the date of completion of delivery.
2. The Company will guide the Seller to take measures necessary for delivery within three (3) business days or as mention from seller from the Seller’s receipt of the Company’s notice to confirm the receipt of or settlement of payment by the Buyer.
3. Days during which delivery is impracticable due to a force majeure event or otherwise shall not be counted as part of a delivery period.
4. As a general rule, any dispute arising among the Seller, the Buyer, a delivery service provider, a financial institution, etc. in relation to the delivery, shall be resolved by the relevant parties, and the Company shall in no way take any responsibility.
5. If a status update concerning delivery is delayed due to the Buyer’s failure to confirm his/her/its receipt after the Seller has properly confirmed shipping on its part, the Company may ask the Buyer to confirm the Buyer’s receipt within two (2) weeks from the date of Seller’s confirmation of shipping. If, thereafter, despite of the Company’s asking, the Buyer does not confirm his/her/its receipt, the status of the transaction may be automatically converted to “completion of delivery” as at the passage of three (3) days, and in such case, if the Buyer has not actually receive the product, then the Buyer may report non-receipt.

Article (Cancellation)

1. A Member may cancel an order of purchase at any time prior to the shipping of the purchased items, and if cancellation is requested during or after the delivery, it will be handled pursuant to the procedures for return of purchased goods.
2. The company will refund customer’s payment only as a Reward point which customer can use to pay for the next purchase.

3. If customer want to get refund via Paypal, all fee and expenses occurred from the refund will be deducted.

Article (Return)

1. A Member may demand a return (“Return”) of the Seller’s items from the time such items are shipped by the Seller until seven (3) days after receipt of the delivery pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.
2. The e-Commerce Act will prevail over the terms and conditions of sales suggested by the Seller, as for general terms and conditions on the Return.
3. As a general rule, costs and expenses incurred for the Return (“Return Costs”) shall be borne by a person to whom the reason for the Return is attributable -- e.g., in the case of simple change of Buyer’s mind, the Buyer shall bear the Return Costs, while in the case of a defect in the purchased items, the Seller shall bear the Return Costs.
4. When applying for the Return, if the Buyer does not set out the return invoice number or accurately notify (orally or in writing) the Seller of the reason(s) for the Return, the Return and refund process may be delayed.
5. As for the refund following the Return, after the returned item is received by the Seller and after the reasons for the Return and who to bear the costs and expenses for the delivery and Return Costs are confirmed, payment in cash will be refunded to the relevant Member’s G-account as a cash balance within three (3) business days, and the payment by credit card will be cancelled immediately.
6. In case the Buyer has to bear the Return Costs, if the additional payment of the Return Costs is not made, the refund may be delayed.

Article (Exchange)

1. Exchange is not allowed except for special agreement between buyer and seller.

Article (International Delivery Services)

1. The Company will provide services to provide assistance in the process of international delivery of products (for which a sale and purchase contract is entered into) through international delivery networks that are in the business partnership with the Company. The stages of international delivery will consist of the following:
1) Domestic Delivery: Each seller delivery items direct to buyer. The company do not responsibility in any loss occurred.
2) International Delivery: from the warehousing, to the delivery to the recipient through international delivery networks.
2. The company do not responsible for any loss occurred during the international delivery.
3. Buyer has to pay all international delivery cost which was invoiced by the company before the international shipment.
4. The recipient shall bear all other costs and expenses that may incur and vary depending on the country of shipping/delivery (such as customs, taxes, etc.) in relation to the use of international delivery services.

Article (Others)

1. The Company may, if necessary, change or suspend certain Services (or part thereof) temporarily or permanently by providing advance notice on the homepage of its website.
2. Neither the Company nor Members shall transfer any rights and obligations under the QOOCART to a third party without the express consent of the other party.
3. All agreements, memoranda of understanding, notices and other instruments additionally executed between the parties and any and all notices to Members by the Company by posting on QooCart pursuant to changes in the Company’s policies, enactment and amendment of laws and regulations, public announcements and guidelines of the authorities, and the like, shall constitute part of the QOOCART.

4. Buyer must agree & accept all terms & conditions in this page before place any order with QooCart.

5. Buyer must agree & accept all other regulation and agreement indicate on QooCart.com before place any order with QooCart.